By Listing Mirror



As one of the largest search engines, Google is a great place for brands to reach new customers, especially through Google Shopping tab. Many people have heard of Google Shopping, but few fully understand the concept of Google Shopping Actions. As more and more businesses join the world of eCommerce, it is critical to understand the difference between Google Shopping and Google Shopping Actions. In this post, we will explain these two things and how to get started. 

Google Shopping Actions

Google Shopping Actions is a valuable online marketplace. With Google Shopping Actions, retailers can list their products across Google platforms such as Google Assistant, Google Search, Google Express mobile, and Googe Home. This platform relies on a universal shopping cart, and the result is that customers tend to add more items to their cart. Additionally, there is an expedited instant checkout process that uses saved credit card information, which is very convenient for customers. 

GSA relies on a pay-per-sale model rather than a PPC model. You only pay for GSA when your product sells. GSA ad listings are differentiated by an “express” marking on them. When a customer clicks on the express ad, they enter Google Express where they can purchase the product. The retailer only pays the commission when the user follows through with a purchase. Therefore, there is no cost to list products on Google Shopping Actions, but you will need to have a budget to pay for commissions. 

Top benefits of Google Shopping Actions

  • Access the customer data so you can use it to build an email list to further engage those customers. 
  • Create loyal customers with personalized product recommendations. 
  • Low administrative costs. 

Google Shopping 

Since 2012, Google Shopping was a product listing ad area where retailers paid cost-per-click. However, Google recently announced that it would begin allowing free product listing on Google Shopping, which opens up the option to many more retailers. To list on Google Shopping, you must have a Google Merchant Center account. You then must verify your website and link your Merchant Center account to Google adwords and provide a feed. It is crucial to consistently check your feed and ensure it has the most up-to-date information. Product data should be optimized and structured accordingly. Make sure your product title, category, description, and images all follow best practices. 

Use Both 

The best way to increase sales is by using both Google Shopping and Google Shopping Actions. It will soon be free to list on Google Shopping, so it is something absolutely every eCommerce business should be doing. However, to stand out against competitors, you can use Google Shopping Actions to ensure your listings have the “express” marking. 

Listing Mirror makes selling on Google easier than ever. Manage all of your channels with our #1 listing software, including your GSA and Google Shopping listings. We simplify listing management, inventory syncing, order fulfillment, and warehouse management so you can sync your product listings on all of your eCommerce channels. Learn more about how Listing Mirror can help your eCommerce business and get started today by contacting us HERE.

Listing Mirror

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