By Listing Mirror



Purchase orders are a vital part of every eCommerce business. You need to have purchase orders because they serve as a legally binding document between the buyer and supplier. The purchase order protects both the buyer and vendor and is crucial for inventory management. Before advanced technological solutions were available, tracking purchase orders was a complicated nightmare. Luckily, modern technology offers powerful solutions for every step of tracking purchase orders, especially receiving them. Learn more about how the process of receiving purchase orders has changed and how Listing Mirror will make it a breeze.

The Old Method: Manual Purchase Order Tracking

The traditional method for purchase order tracking involved a lot of paper, time, and headache. Purchase orders used to be filled out on paper and submitted to the supplier by hand or on a typewriter. This old process required multiple copies in different colors so that the paperwork could all be correctly attached and filed. With so many papers, it was easy to forget or misplace one, which could lead to paying for an incorrect invoice number. Manually processing purchase orders by hand had many downfalls. Some of the main issues with this old method include:

  • Inaccurate and error-prone
  • Tedious, lengthy task
  • Inconsistencies
  • Costly and time-consuming

The Solution: Digital Purchase Orders

Luckily, there are now advanced software options for processing purchase orders. Technology makes purchase order processing much more efficient. Listing Mirror’s Inventory Intellect simplifies your entire inventory management process and will make receiving purchase orders easy. Make purchase order management a breeze with Inventory Intellect. You can easily create and send purchase orders using your Vendor Catalogs and receive items against the purchase orders in the app. The process for purchase order receiving is straightforward and will ensure your purchase orders are handled correctly. To receive purchase orders using Listing Mirror, you simply:

  • Access your purchase order.
  • When using the Lite version, you must manually enter your received goods in the appropriate column. When using the pro version, you have access to a barcode scanner which automatically completes this process when you scan the SKUs.
  • Save the updated purchase order. The purchase order will then automatically move to “received” status.
  • After the order is paid for, the purchase order will then move to “completed”.

For a full demo on receiving purchase orders with Inventory Intellect, watch the video HERE. choose Inventory Mirror’s cloud-based inventory management solution and make process order management a breeze. Learn more by visiting our website HERE.

Listing Mirror

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