By Listing Mirror



4 Must Have Tools For Amazon Sellers Everywhere

We have said it before, and we will say it again. Successful Amazon sales depend on much more than your ability to create listings. Today’s technology allows you to control every aspect of the selling process and now is a prime time to take advantage of the opportunities at hand. With so many options, it can be difficult to navigate the technological world and figure out what software you truly need. That’s why we’ve put together this quick list of the most important tools for Amazon Sellers.

1. Multi Channel Inventory Management Software

Without a doubt, the most important Amazon seller tools to check out is a multi channel listing platform. (And, in our humble opinion, Listing Mirror is the go-to option for this function.) As our name suggests, Listing Mirror software essentially “mirrors” your inventory listings across multiple marketplaces. By keeping the listings all linked to one inventory manager, you will have full access to an accurate inventory account for your products.

This ensures that you never over sell your inventory. With this newfound ability to track your inventory, you will be able to keep your products in stock and your customers happy. Listing Mirror allows you to sync an unlimited amount of channels from a variety of sites. So, if you’re looking to expand your shop from just Amazon, you can keep track of all your shipments, without neglecting your Amazon account.

2. Review and Feedback Management

Another one of the top tools for Amazon sellers worth investigating: a feedback management system. Because customer satisfaction is a huge priority, it is important to be constantly checking your feedback. In addition, your feedback rating has a HUGE effect on your sales ranking, i.e the better your ratings, the closer you will be to the highly coveted front page of Amazon. It is also important to keep talking with your customers. If they leave a comment, you don’t want it going ignored for months.

If you are in the market for a Feedback manager Feedback Genius is one of the best options on the market today. This intuitive tool will alert you when you have a comment on your item, so you can respond right away. They also have an amazing automated seller to buyer messaging system that will send automated messages to your customers, so you never lose touch. This tool allows you to get back to your potential buyers at a lightning pace. You will never miss an opportunity again.

3. A Re-Pricing Tool

By using an Amazon seller pricing tool, you will literally be able to learn money while you sleep. Ki Magic is a great example of this, as it lets you automate your selling prices so that you are always a step ahead of the competition. Here’s how it works: simply input your desired profit into their calculator, and Ki Magic will tell you where to set your minimum product price. From there, you can have the system re-update your pricing to stay competitive.

Because this software was built by actual online merchants, they have a keen in depth knowledge of the difficulties that sellers can endure. Whether you have just 10 different items, or are a massive wholeseller, Ki Magic has an Amazon seller pricing tool plan built to fit your needs. The best part of all? Ki Magic has a free tier for under 50 SKUs.

4. Keyword and Product Research Software

There are over 5 million sellers on Amazon, with over 500 million items listed on the site. If you want to fight for the top spot of of the search results, without compromising your price, a keyword and product research software may be able to help.

Products like Sellics use SEO keywords to boost your search results. Sellics uses keyword search tools to dig into Amazon’s algorithm, then uses the results to help rename your products. Only 10 percent of Amazon customers look past page three. By renaming your products using SEO tactics, you can boost your result from page 9 to page 1 in just a month. Sellics offers plans based on how much you sell on Amazon, so if you have a small budget, your wallet will thank you.

Sell More. Work Less.

Still unsure about which tools are right for you? Keep browsing the Listing Mirror blog to learn more about the latest and greatest Amazon seller tools on the market. While you’re there, be sure to request a free demo of our product!

Listing Mirror

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